Sonoma, CA
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Retreaters September 2012
Lovely Savasana
Morning asana in the large studio over looking the beautiful grounds
Savasana in the Yoga room
MayaCamas Ranch
Sunset at MayaCamas Ranch
MayaCamas Garden, fresh produce for the Dining Hall
The beautiful wilderness goes on and on.
MayaCamas Office and Live Oak House
MayaCamas Pool
MayaCamas Pool
Navasana with a beautiful view of the woods
Virabhadrasana III, deck of MayaCamas Ranch
Virabhadrasasna II with Archer on the deck at MayaCamas, a lovely place to practice.
Meditating with the Bubbha in the MayaCamas Garden
Sonoma wine grapes
Sonoma country side
Beautiful Sonoma
Sonoma mountains
Making wine at Hawley Vineyards