MayaCamas Ranch Sonoma 2012
September 20, 2012
Tadasana Travel LLC's Wine Country Retreat
At the beautiful MayaCamas Ranch, paths converged to find a new path forward together.
The property itself is reason enough for a visit to MayaCamas. There are 360 degree views of the mountains and wildnerness. Whether practicing asana in the yoga studio, relaxing by the pool, or enjoying the sunset from a chair on the lawn, you will be transported to peaceful serenity as nature sweeps you away. I loved waking up every day in the midst of the trees excited about what the day would bring.
The meals were delicious and healthy. Many of the ingredients are grown right from the property garden and everything was fresh and light. From Ceasar salad to fajitas to homemade granola we ate like royalty each day with every meal.
The yogi's were truly inspiring! A couple of them, new to the practice or new to Vinyasa, committed to trying something new and remaining open to the experience. One women, Andreia from Brazil, English as her second language was especially inspiring to watch. Whether it was a Sanskrit word, instructions in English, or a yoga pose, she used the power of observation to remain open to the experience. A great testiment to all of us that when we can't entirely understand something new, we can rely on a different sense and FEEL our way through it.
Along with the asana, Special Guest, Peter Petersen, led us in a wonderful class of Qi Gong and Meditation. Allowing our bodies to flow and move with our breath in a different way was truly liberating as I found a new profound connection with the power of my own energy. Thank you Peter for sharing your gifts with the group.
All in all, an incredible week in the heart of Sonoma. The beauty of Northern California at our fingertips, the comfort of great lodging and food to sustain us, and the connections we made as group will move us forward on our paths reminding us that a good retreat is only the beginning.
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