What I've learned about yoga...leading to My Dreams
August 15, 2012
Yoga > Dreams
I am living proof that your yoga practice can be the catalyst to fulfilling ALL of your dreams!
One of by biggest dreams came true as I just drove into NYC to move into my new home! My amazing 34th floor apartment looks out over south Manhattan with views of the east river and I can see Central Park from the rooftop deck.
As a little girl growing up in Minnesota, I dreamt of living in a high rise and walking to work, living the city life. Little did I know that I would be doing so in NYC vs. Minneapolis and I would be walking to a yoga studio vs. a Fortune 500 company.
But then, this is yoga and this is dreaming. Yoga has taught me that not only are all of my dreams possible, but that I need to dream bigger! The universe WANTS you to have it all, you just have to get quiet enough to hear what it is saying.
Creating a calm mind and space in my soul through my practice, I was able to recognize the signs that it was now time to fulfill this city living dream and make my way to the Big Apple.
And now I am here and it is BETTER and BIGGER than anything I could have ever dreamt myself as that little girl in Minnesota.
May your practice today be the guiding force to manifesting your dreams.
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